Baby Steps

This class will consist of six consecutive weekly one hour sessions. This class will address all of the must haves for raising a confident, thinking, and driven puppy while building an uncompromising bond for a successful team.

The first three weeks will take place in a private residence while we establish our foundations. The next three weeks will take place at a near by park while we begin to generalize our new found skills.

Prerequisites for this class: a puppy and lots of smiles!

This is a small, semi- private class. The cost of this class is $185 for 6 weeks. Please sign up to the right quickly to reserve your spot. Payment can be taken on by card (below), or cash/check on the first night of class.

Next available: Saturday, June 4th, 9:00am

AKC Star puppy

The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting new program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program is an incentive program for loving dog owners who have taken the time to take their puppies through a basic training class.

Prerequisites for this class: a puppy and lots of smiles!

This is a small, semi- private class. The cost of this class is $185 for 6 weeks. Please sign up to the right quickly to reserve your spot. Payment can be taken on by card (below), or cash/check on the first night of class.

Next available: Wednesday, March 30th, 6:30pm